Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Pretend Vote: Water Park or Zoo?

Recently, all of Erving Elementary worked on a single writing prompt geared towards persuasive writing. This is how it was presented to the children:

Let's pretend there is a large, empty field near Erving Elementary School. The town wants to build either a water park or a zoo. Which one would be better?

  • Your job is to convince the grown-ups to vote for your choice.
  • Give them at least three detailed reasons to vote for your choice.
A water park is a place where there are water activities for visitors.
A zoo is a place where visitors can see different types of animals.


Why We Should Have a Water Park
          I think we should have a water park for many reasons. One reason is we might need a place to cool down. However, last year I got hot because we didn't have a water park. Another reason is kids would need a place to play in the water. For example I would want a water park just like Coco Keys goes in and outside. That's why I think we should have a water park.
by Emily L.

Why We Should Have A Water Park
          We should have a water park because one reason is the animals will make a lot of noise. For an example, when we go to bed it is hard because too much noise. So we can't go to bed and we have to go to bed at night. The animals might be dangerous around. The animals might kick and you would have to be careful. For an example, you could get kicked. The animals might distract the kids from learning and kids need to learn. For an example, kids will stare out the window all day long. And that is why we should have a water park.
by Arianna 

Why We Should Have a Zoo
          We would build a zoo. First, then people can see animals they never seen before. If they don't they will never know what they look like. Another reason is that they could pet the animals. If they don't then they never know what they feel like. Finally you can see all the animals in the zoo. And it would be fun. That is why we should have a zoo.
by Nick

Why We Should Have A Water Park
          If we could build a water park or zoo I would pick water park. First if we build a zoo animals like lions and tigers and bears and all locked up in a cage and only get three meals a day and I do not like that at all. For example when I go to the zoo I do not like it and probably the animals do not like it either. Also, where are we going to find animals that live in the jungle? It is not like someone would just say that they would go get a lot of zoo animals. Cause we are in Erving and the animals are probably in Africa and I do not think anyone would go to Africa to find the animals and all the way back just to make one zoo. Anyway there might be bears but there aren't lions and tigers and other animals like that around here. Finally a water park are fun and it cools you down when you need it. For example, I like water parks more than zoos because water parks do not lock up animals in cages like zoos do. This is why we should build a water park instead of a zoo.
by Samantha

Why We Should Have A Water Park
          We should have a water park because one reason is the animals will distract the kids. For example animals are so cool that you can't stand not paying attention to them. Another reason is you could get hydrated if we have a water park, and we won't get dehydrated. The last reason is animals should not be kept in a small cage. Anyways the animals are unhappy in the zoo. And that's why I think we should have a water park.
by Katelynn

Why We Should Have A Water Park
          We should have a water park because I could get hot and I could go in the water. I also like to play in the water. We could use it when we do the water thing on Field Day. That's why we need water at school.
by Greyson

Why We Should Have A Zoo
          I think we should build a zoo. The first reason is we would be able to take care of the animals. For example we never had a zoo so I couldn't feed animals. My second reason is we would get to pet the animals. For example we never had a zoo so I never got to pet them. My last reason is we would get to hold the baby animals. For example we never had a zoo so I never got to hold a baby animal. That's why we should have a zoo.
by Jasmine

Why We Should Have A Zoo
          I think we should have a zoo. First is so people can see cool animals of different types there. Another reason is you can feed the animals there are you can also take a picture with them there. For example when I went to the zoo I got to take my picture with a giraffe named Jeffery. Finally so people can just see their favorite animal there. For example my favorite type of animal at the zoo is monkeys and snakes and that's why I think we should have a zoo.
by Tristan

Why We Should Have A Zoo
          I think we should have a zoo because people can see animals. For example they can see pandas and polar bears. People also can have fun at a zoo. They can have fun watching the animals. At a zoo you can see what the animals are doing. The animals eat, sleep, walk, and make noise. That's why we should have a zoo.
by Will

Why We Should Have a Water Park
          Water parks are fun. If it was a hot day out you can go to the water park and cool down. You can go on the water slide to the pool at the water park. When the water comes out of the walls you will get very wet. 
by Blake

Why We Should Have a Water Park
          You will have fun at the water park! You can have fun on the slide. The slide goes round and round until it drops you in the water. Go to the water park on very hot days in the summer to cool off. It is a great time to be with family!
by Reid

Why We Should Have A Water Park
          I want a water park built in Erving. Water parks are fun places to get wet in the summer. The pool can be a fun place to splash friends. There are slides that use a tube to go down. They may even have a bot tub to sit in and relax. 
by Zack

Why We Should Have A Water Park
          Water parks are fun! You can see other people and you can hang out with family. YOu can get sprayed by the water. You can make new frieds at the water park. You will need your bathing suit so you can get very wet.
by Naomi

We Should Have a Water Park
          We should build a water park. The reason why we should build a water park is so kids can have a lot of fun and so they can see their friends and they can play with their friends. You can swim with your friends and you can spend time with your family. Next, so the kids can have a lot of fun to stay hydrated. Finally you can spend time with your family in the water park. We could swim with your family. These reasons are why we should build a water park.
by Jaeden

Why We Should Have A Zoo
          I think we should have a zoo because of three reasons. First we can see lots of pretty animals. For example we can see zebras and monkeys and rats and bugs and maybe a fox. We can feed the animals. We can see the different kind of food they eat. Our friends can come. Another reason we can pet the animals. Then we can learn about them. Finally we can take the research about them and read it to our family. These three reasons are why I think we should have a zoo.
by Rebecca

Why We Should Have A Zoo
          I think we should have a zoo. The first reason is we should have a zoo to feed the animals. I would learn how to feed them. Another reason is me and Jazz would pet the animals. We could see different animals. I would love to see a black panther and tigers. Finally I will ride animals. It would be a horse. If it wasn’t wild I would want to ride an elephant. These are reasons why I think we should have a zoo.
by Dezirae

Why We Should Have A Water Park
          I think the town should build a water park. First it gets too hot in the summer and we need a place to go. I would go with my family a lot. I also think there would be lots to do there. I would go in the pool there. I would also go on the water slide. I would run into the sprinklers. Kids would behave more because they would have something to do. Going to the water park would be a treat for the kids. It would be their reward. I think these are three good reasons why we should have a water park.
by Brandon

Why We Should Have A Water Park
I want a water park near Erving Elementary School. My sisters Nadia and Lydia have autism so I think we should have a water park because they do physical therapy. Nadia rides a bike in a building and Lydia gets to play with bubbles at my house. I think we should have a water park for autism.
       I think we should have a water park so that kids can have birthday parties there. Kids should have fun there because parents want to have a fun time with their kids. I think parents want to have more time with their kids to show that they are starting to grow up and can take care of themselves.
       I think we should have a water park so we can use it for field day! Field day is when you get wet and a water park is full of water! Plus we don’t have to have groups of grades.
       That’s why I think we should have a water park.
by Madelyn

Why We Should Have A Water Park
          We should have a water park in Erving. It will be a very good way to get active, or get really good exercise, or even just have some fun. In a water park there is a wicked water slide that is always really fun for everybody to use. It’s also a great way to spend good times with your family in the pool. That is why I think we should have a water park.
by Jessica

Why We Should Have A Water Park
          We should have a water park in Erving. It would be good in the summer so you don’t have to go traveling to another water park. It’s a good way for kids and families to cool off in the summer. It’s also right next to the elementary school. So you could gets you’re kids out of school and get wet. It would be a good business for the town. So then we can make more stuff in Erving. That’s why I think we should have a water park in Erving.
by Avery

Why We Should Have A Zoo
          I picked the zoo because of animals. Kids can see animals from other places. You can pet some of them. You can feed some of them. You can learn all about them. You can have fun. You’ll be amazed by the tricks. You will like the zoo. The next reason is money. It will bring jobs to town. The town will get funds from the zoo. It will also bring joy to families. You get more exercise walking around a zoo.
by Vincent

Why We Should Have A Water Park
          I think the town should build a water park. A water park would be good because we can get exercise and move our bodies and have a good time doing it. Also we can show how we move and splash and even dive. We can also learn how to swim more. We can do lots of things under water like swim under people’s legs. We can do somersaults under water and backwards rolls under water. Sometimes there’s log rides to go on where you ride on a raft in the water and sometimes get wet! For example the last time I went on a ride like that buckets with water would tip on you and big waves of water would get in the raft and you would get wet! We even got to go under a small waterfall! Speaking of water pouring on you sometime in the water park part of the place there are buckets in the water park that are held up by a pole. There are six bars that spread out and at the end of each bar there is a bucket and water goes up through the pole and goes into the bars and into the buckets and eventually the buckets get so heavy with water they tip and water can splash all over you! A water park is also a good way to cool off in the summer when you are hot. Finally I think we should have a water park in Erving because it has been really hot outside in Erving lately and its been hot outside so people are not going to aerobics and they don’t get enough exercise. A water park is a place where you can stay and get exercise. I also want a water park in Erving because sometimes you get to go under a water fall and you don’t get to do that very often do you? It is cold but then you can get wrapped up in a nice warm towel. The last good idea of a water park that I can think of is usually lots of people go to water parks and you can make lots of friends. You might even see someone you know there! You can go with someone when you go to a water park. That’s why I think we should have a water park.
by Gracie

Why We Should Have A Zoo
          We should have the zoo. It would be good for learning about the life of the animals. If you were studying mammals you could go to the zoo and look at monkeys and apes. Plus you can go all year round with families and friends. You might be able to swim with the dolphins so that would be like the water park. It would be cool to see animals that don’t live around here, like a rhinoceros or a penguin. Some people like seeing animals but can’t see them because they do not have enough money to go to the zoo. That’s why I want the zoo.
by Sydney

Why We Should Have A Water Park
          We should have a water park near Erving Elementary School. We can have a water slide and sprinklers and waterfalls and water buckets. They will be very fun and more. When it is really hot out people can get cooled off. They can go swimming and run through the sprinkler. You can go on a boat down a waterfall. You can go surfing on the wave pool. You can go through the water tubes. You can go down the water slide. Last but not least you can go under water buckets and if you wait a few minutes the water in the buckets will dump on you.
by Emily F.

Why We Should Have A Zoo
          I think we should have a zoo. They’re wonderful for kids, so there is one reason we should have a zoo. Another reason we should have a zoo is because the zoo is an amazing place for kids. The elephants will hit you with their tails. Another idea is we should have a zoo because the animals are so funny. It is a great place for kids. They will never want to go home.
by Skye

Why We Should Have A Water Park
          I think we should have a water park. Water parks are awesome because there are pools and water slides. There might even be a log ride. But most of all there is a really cool ride there called the riptide. The riptide is really cool because you go in a boat and go up a hill and down the other side. You get splashed by water.. But most of all water parks are fun. It’s cool there. It will cool you down in the summer time, so you can go to a water park in the summertime. So that is why I think we should have a water park.
by Elizabeth

Why We Should Have A Zoo
          We should have a zoo in Erving. We could swim with the dolphins and that would be something that people could do when it is hot out. You can only go to a water park in the summer and but you could go to the zoo any time. Also you won’t have to drive that long. You only have to drive for a couple of minutes. I also know that there are more water parks near here than zoos. So that is why I say we should have a zoo near Erving Elementary School.
by Dylan

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