Thursday, May 3, 2012

Our Autobiographies

The children recently worked very hard to complete a timeline of special events in their lives, add details, and organize them into narrative autobiographies. Enjoy!

The Autobiography of Sydney Lin May
     Hi, my name is Sydney Lin May. This is about exciting things in my life. The first thing I remember is my birth. It felt good to get out. I was crying when I first took a bath. I loved my family. That was in 2004.
     The second thing I remember is first going to the Boston Aquarium. At the Boston Aquarium I saw a sea turtle, a dolphin, and a seal. I decided right then and there I wanted to be an oceanographer when I grew up. That was in 2007.
     The next thing I remember is when Bryanna was born later in 2007.  Bryanna was loud. I felt grateful that Bryanna got out of the hospital. In fact that was the same hospital I was born in--the Cooley Dickinson Hospital! I remember Bryanna's first birthday. Grandma Clark made cake. We had lots of fruit. It was yummy! When Bryanna took a bath, she was so so cute.
     Then three or four years past. I was in first grade when I lost my first tooth! It was special. It also felt good to get out. I put it under my pillow. When I woke, I got $5. It was awesome!
     Finally, I went to Florida. It was in 2012. In Florida, my family and I went to Disney. It was cool. We went on rides. My favorite ride was Splash Mountain. Okay, first you get into a log. You paddle along for a bit. Then it gets dark and you see a rabbit, a fox, and a bear. The bear and the fox are chasing the rabbit. They keep chasing for a while. Then the rabbit gets caught! You see a sign. It says, "Danger!" You try to scream, but nothing comes out. It's done. It is really fun. Once when I went on I saw Woody and Jessy! It was in February, but it was still hot out. Also, I liked going to the beach. It was fun, because we got all wet. We had a race and found conch shells. I had a good time! There are a lot of things to see in Florida!
     But...these are just some exciting things in my life! When I grow older, I would like a Ph.D. in science, masters in oceanography, and I want to write stories about the ocean! I will scuba dive in Florida! I think when I grow up, it will be fantastic!

The Autobiography of Avery Shea Boissonneault

     Hi, my name is Avery Shea Boissonneault. I remember birth was on New Years Day in 2004. First, I went to the beach in July 2004. I got my first stuffed animal at the beach. I think his name is Scruffy. I still have him. He is a dog. My mom and dad told me it was really cold. When I was one year older, I went to the beach again with my whole family--and I really mean with my whole family! I had a lot of good memories. I still have pictures of me on the beach playing in the sand. 
     Next I remember getting glasses. It was really different with glasses than without glasses. Once I got glasses it was hard to see. It really hurt my eyes when I got glasses, but after a while, I got used to it. Adjusting was not easy and is hard sometimes. It felt right in a little bit to get glasses. 
     After that It was my first game of baseball. I felt nervous to play baseball. The weather surprised me in the middle of the game. It got hot. By the end of the game, it was so hot! All the team was sweating. I was lucky I had a really good team. I remember at the beginning of my  first game of baseball. I was nervous, but at the end I had a fun time cheering for my teammates. 
     Finally, I remember getting my own room. I was excited to get my own room. I was really nervous the first night sleeping there though. After a while, I enjoyed having my own space. Today, I love my own room. I even have a desk in my room. My dad made my desk for me. I love it now. 
     Now I want to go to Disney Land with my family and my grandparents. I hope to do that in my future. I would love to go to Disney Land.

The Autobiography of Elizabeth Renee Whitney

     My name is Elizabeth Renee Whitney and my birthday is June 14. First of all, I remember when Carly was born. She was so cute, because she was always giggling when she was a baby and that made me laugh! 
     Next of all, when I moved it was awesome, because I got a bigger bedroom. However, there were only three bedrooms, so I had to share a room with Carly. When she gets scared she sleeps with me.
     Then years passed. I started kindergarten. I was nervous at first, but I got used to it. I made new friends to play with and I met a new teacher to learn with.
     Finally, I rode a two wheeler. That was fun, but it took the whole summer to learn. 
     Now I am a second grader. When I grow up, I want to be an artist. I will paint many things like still lifes with fruit.

The Autobiography of Vincent Myren

     Hello, my name is Vincent. I was born on July 9, 2004 in the Franklin County Hospital. My first memory is Jezebel the cat. She's a multicolor cat. We used to jump in boxes to play. While we were playing I would pull her tail and she would pull on my shirt. She liked to purr. When she was outside, she liked to hunt bunnies. 
     On my seventh birthday, I got amazing presents. My favorite present was a Bakugon Dragon Colossus. I got a card that was hilarious! My party was at the park. I had my best friend Ryan at the party. Me and Ryan played pirates. After that we had vanilla cake. My friend Max was riding his bike. He couldn't catch up to me! Max and I got to have a sleep over in my tent while we were camping. I woke up with a Nerf sword next to me. I wanted Max to wake up so we could play.

The Autobiography of Gracie Mae Rosenberg

     Hi, my name is Gracie Mae Erika Rosenberg. These are some exciting things in my life. I was born on March 24, 2004. I went to school for the first time! I went in 2007. I was about three and a half when I went. I was shy at first, but I got used to it.
     Next I got my two new goldfish. It was 2008 when I got them. I was six years old. I liked to watch the goldfish swim around in the tank. But eventually one of the goldfish got sick and died.
     Then I lost my first tooth! I was still six years old when it happened. I was outside playing on the swings with Will. I was about to go under a swing when that swing swung back and hit me in the jaw. I started crying. I didn't notice it yet, but when the swing hit me it knocked my tooth out! It was about 2010 when it happened.
     Finally, I met Grandma's new puppy. I was in my early sevens when it happened. It was in 2011 when it happened also. We were inside playing when we heard barking. It was coming from outside. We looked outside and there was Grandma holding her new puppy on a leash. The puppy was brown with white spots. It was a girl and her name was Lilly. She was half jack russel terrier and half another dog. She was wild and when she saw another dog she went crazy. but when Lilly got her energy out she was calm and quiet. Will and me would make her a doggy bed. Every time Lilly saw the leash, she thought she was going for a walk. Lilly can stand on her hind legs for more then ten seconds. She loves to chase squirrels and birds and chipmunks.
     When I grow up, I want to be a paleontologist. They study dinosaurs. I will learn more about prehistoric creatures. I will dig up dinosaur bones and put them together to make skeletons. I will put the skeletons on displays and make a museum. I will discover new species of dinosaurs. I will tell my children about dinosaurs. I could tell other people about dinosaurs. It will be exciting--very exciting!

The Biography of Jessica Abbey

     Hi, my name is Jessica Beth Abbey. I was born on December thirty-first, two-thousand-three. That's New Years Eve of two thousand three!
     One bright, beautiful summer day, Matthew, Christopher, Rachael and I were riding our bikes up and down the road. Then, I wanted to try riding a two-wheeler bike. So. Matthew got out a little red bike. It was Matthew's first two-wheeler. I tried it out. It worked! I could ride a two-wheeler! After this, I rode up and down the road almost every single day I could! And, Rachael and I loved to have races. I especially liked having races down the road, because I was really fast down the road. That is the time I rode a two-wheeler bike for the first time.
     One summer day, Rachael, Christopher and I were fishing on A-dock. We didn't really catch anything, so we moved to B-dock. B-dock was where everything happened. Nobody caught a single fish yet. Well, Christopher may have caught a couple small fish. Then, suddenly, I felt a strong tug. I yanked my pole up. My pole was bending a lot! I realized it then--I had caught a large-mouthed bass! Christopher measured it. It was about fourteen to sixteen inches long! Then he weighed it. It was one and a half to two pounds! We showed it to my parents. They were very proud that their own six-year-old daughter could catch a large mouthed bass. I named him Mr. Bass--at least, I think so. We kept him for a while. Then I threw him back into the water. Mr. Bass made a big splash! That was the time I caught a large-mouthed bass.
     Then, in two-thousand-eleven was when all of the enthusiasm began. It was almost time for Matthew's school play. I was the little witch. This was how the wicked witch disappeared. The witch is going to melt Dorothy, Tin Man, Scare Crow, and the lion. Then, instead, the witch gets melted. Then I run out of the pot screaming, "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!" Then the lion picked me up! I screamed, "Let me go! Let me go!" And, at the same time, I kicked! It was fun. My costume was Rachael's old witch costume. That was when I was in a high school play!
     Finally, I was eight years old when the cramp bike came into creation. Rachael and I still loved to have races. We still went up and down, up and down the road almost every single day we could. My little red bike felt a little small for me. We call it the cramp bike, because when you ride it, it'll make a cramping noise. I wanted to try it out. It had been Matthew's old bike, I remember, when Matthew used to ride it up the road (and down), he would pretend that he always had the cramps. When I tried it out, it made a cramping noise, I peddled slowly, I could ride it! The only problem was, it was a little high. So a few days later, I had Christopher lower the seat for me. He had to loosen a bolt. Once he lowered the seat, it was crooked. I peddled slowly at first. I could ride it a little better! I loved to ride it around the house. That was when I got the seat lowered for me on the silver cramp bike.

The Autobiography of Dylan Burnett

     My name is Dylan Burnett. I was born on August 20, 2004. First, I moved to a new house. I was a little bit scared. I said, "Will I get to keep everything?" The house was much bigger! It was fun seeing our new house, but when I saw that I got to have my own room I was really happy.
     When I was four, I got my ears pierced. I was squeezing my mom's hand, but I was still crying. Afterwards I was really happy I got them. It was exciting to change them in six weeks. Years later, I got them double pierced.
     Next, I learned how to ride a two-wheeler. I learned how to ride it in the driveway. I really liked my new bike. I was really excited! I liked the color of the bike. Also I played this game with my brother. I was the robber and he was the cop. I would have to peddle faster and faster so he wouldn't get me. 
     Finally I went to Florida. I went on Thunder Mountain Railroad. It was really fast and fun! I was yelling, "Aaaaaaaaaa!" the whole time. Also, I got Ginny's wand. It was wicket cool. Next I got my hair done like a princess. It was super pretty.
     Now I am knitting like crazy. It is extremely fun. And that's the story of my life.

The Autobiography of Emily Marie Fess

     Hi, my name is Emily Marie Fess. I was born on September 19th of 2003. In May of 2006, I moved to a new house in Erving. It was kind of strange. My dog Taz would not go inside at first. My cats Buddy and BJ had strange behavior like fighting nothing and hissing and clawing and growling at nothing. We were building the kitchen and we were just about done when the fridge wasn't working. So my Gramma and Grampa had to pay another $300 more for a new fridge. Do you want to know what was causing the cat's strange behavior and the fridge to not work? well, it was a tiny little mouse! When we were finished with the house a few days later, we got a new dog named Fiona. A few months later we found out that she was pregnant with nine puppies and one year later she had puppies! Two years later we sold eight of the puppies and we kept one of them. We named her Molly Rose Golembeski. Next, I got two cats and they were black. We named one cat Cole and we named the other one Max. They were very cute to look at and extremely funny to watch and play with.
     When I was seven I learned how to ride a horse at my uncle's. Learning how to ride a horse is extremely fun. I hope that you try it at some period in your lifetime. 
     When I grow up, I want to be a professional horse rider and compete in horse riding competitions.

The Autobiography of Madelyn Janus

     First came me, Madelyn Janus! My birthday is January 7, 2004. Next my mom told me I was going to be a big sister. My mom's belly got bigger and bigger. Then my dad said, "We're going to the hospital." So we got in the car. When we got to the hospital my dad took me to get a present for the baby. Finally, we went up to see mom. She was holding something. It was the baby! My mom said, "Her name is Nadia!"
     Years had passed when it all happened. I was in kindergarten. It was rest time. I had a very loose tooth. It was so loose that it popped out! I yelled, "Mrs. Yaz, Mrs. Yaz! My tooth is gone! My tooth is gone!" Next she said, "Wow, Madelyn! That's awesome!" "I know!" I said. While Mrs. Yaz was showing the class, my tongue was touching where it came out. It felt gushy. But then I tasted something. Its color was red. Mrs. Yaz said, "Get a paper towel, Madelyn is bleeding!" But then it stopped. "That was good!" I said to myself. It felt uncomfortable. When it was time to go to bed, I was dreaming of my tooth. In the morning, my pillow was not fluffy anymore. Then I looked under my pillow. "Money!" I said. I got out of bed. I ran down the hall and said, "I got a one dollar in an envelope!" My dad said "The tooth fairy came!" "The tooth fairy? Who's she?" I said. "She picks up kids' teeth," Dad said. And that's the time I lost a tooth!
     When I was seven my mom and dad called me and Nadia over to the table. "I am afraid that I have bad news. Our dog Belly is going to die, " Mom said. I did not say a word. I just sat there. I started to cry. After that day, I kept crying and crying and crying. Then my dad said, "I know you love her, but it's time to let go." "Okay," I said. Then he started to walk away. On the day that she was going to die, our neighbors came over to say goodbye to her. We took a picture of her. We also made a paw print of her paw. On the day of the funeral, I was crying a lot. But I knew she was going to be an angel. That's the time my dog was going to heaven. 
     It all happened at gymnastics camp. After a day at gymnastics, I got a note. It said: Would you like to be on the gymnastics team? I thought about it. Then I just remembered that it was my dream. I went home. I told my mom and my dad. They made me choose between girl scouts and gymnastics. I chose gymnastics. On my first meet, it was my 8th birthday. I got second place. After that, I got team leotards and routines to do. After that I kept getting first place trophies! 
     Finally, this is the time I wrote an autobiography. When I grow up, I want to be a famous writer, because if I can write this, I can write anything!

The Autobiography of Skye Porlier

     Hello, my name is Skye Elizabeth Porlier, and I am going to tell you a little about me, so here it starts. A long time ago, when I was a baby, my cousin Dezirae was so nice to me. She read to me in my high chair, so that was nice. She played with me in my crib and sang me a lullaby when I needed to go to sleep.
     Now I would like to write about school. School is interesting to me because school is fascinating. I like school, because we play a lot of games. We also do knitting in school. That is really fun for me.We also put a lot on the blog so that is another reason it is cool. I love looking on the blog to see my work! 
     Now is Hunter. He is my brother and he is a very good brother to me. He is so nice and is the best brother I've ever had. He is not my only brother. I have Kyle, Cody, Jole, and a step sister named Lhyla. I know Hunter the best though, and Mom taught him well. My dad is the best dad. I never see him, but one day I was massaging my mom's back and then she said, "You are going to see your dad every two weeks." So I was so happy I fell off the bed, and that was not good! 
     Now I am going to tell you a story that is true. Once when I was a baby, my mom and dad were making a tent inside so me and dad and mom slept in it. I woke up, but mom and dad did not so I was just sitting on the pillow staring at Dad. He woke up in fifteen minutes. I was hiding in the cabinet on the floor! It was open, so I went in and dad could not find me. He only found me when I got out! So that is my story. 

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