Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Great Thinkers and Explorers of Our World

The second graders have just completed their social studies unit on people in the past and present who have become known for their desire to explore and think critically about our world, even in the face of adversity. Here are their final reports.

Jacques Cousteau
by Madelyn

Once there was a man named Jacques Cousteau. He spent most of his time in the ocean. One day he went for a swim. Then he saw something. There was ink and chemicals in the ocean. He felt surprised, angry, mad, and sad. He wanted to tell people that people are hurting the ocean. First, he made movies so that people could understand. Next, he swam a lot to see what was going on. Then he was showing people how to treat the ocean nicely. Finally, he wrote books to show the ways people were hurting the sea. In the end, people were nicer to the ocean. Jacques was excited, happy, and glad.

Vasco da Gama
by Dezirae

Once upon a time, Vasco da Gama spent a lot of time in the sea. He noticed it was not safe to go to India on land. It made him mad and angry. He wanted to change the world and find a safer way to go. First, he sailed to islands. Then he sailed around the Cape of Good Hope. Finally, he got to India. It made him happy when he got there. Then, he finally got back to his land. Everybody was very happy Vasco da Gama was back.

Benjamin Banneker
by Greyson

A long time ago, there was a man named Benjamin Banneker. The white people wouldn't let him write maps. He felt mad and sad about this. He wanted to show people that he could do it. He wrote a note to the president to tell him about it. The president agreed with him. He ended up making important maps anyway, and lots of people used them.

Amelia Earhart 
by Jessica

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Amelia Earhart. She lived in Atchison, Kansas. Then, people said, "Women can't fly." She felt mad, sad, and angry since she wanted to fly a plane. First, she flew across the Atlantic on the Friendship. Finally, she flew around the equator on the Flying Laboratory. That flight was 27,000 miles! She succeeded! She felt proud.

Nelson Mandela
by Brandon

Nelson Mandela was born in South Africa. He lived in South Africa. There were "White Only" signs in many places, and it made him feel sad. He wanted to end apartheid. He told speeches. He made signs. He became a lawyer. The government put him in jail for not agreeing with apartheid, but his words showed people he should not be in jail. Eventually, people voted for him and be became the first black president in South Africa. He felt very happy.

Helen Keller
by Emily

Once there was a girl named Helen Keller. She lived in Alabama. She became very sick and became blind and deaf. She felt sad and scared. She wanted to be like any other kid and go to school. So she got a teacher and then another one to teach her without seeing and hearing. She learned how to understand people, and so she felt happy.

Bessie Coleman
by Arianna

Once upon a time there was a woman named Bessie Coleman. She lived in Texas. She wanted to fly a plane. First, she tried in Texas. That did not work. They did not let her because she was a black woman. This made her sad. Next, she went to a flying school in France.  Then she saved money so she could go to Chicago. Then it worked. She got to fly a plane. She was happy because she got to fly.

Robert Fulton
by Avery

Once upon a time there was a man named Robert Fulton. He was born in Pennsylvania. People didn't believe he could build a steamboat. He was angry, sad, and mad. He wanted to show people he could do it and traveling by boat was safe.  First, he steered a steamboat down the Seine River. Next, when he tried to build his own steamer, people called in "Fulton's Folly". I think he felt sad, but he was determined. At the end, he succeeded. I think he felt happy.

Charles Lindbergh
by Will

Once there was a man named Charles Lindbergh. He lived in New York. People started to fly planes when he was a young man, and it made him feel excited. He wanted to fly planes by himself. First, he went to flying school. Next, he learned all he could. He asked teachers questions. Then, he became a barnstormer and did flying stunts. Finally, he became the first person to fly across the Atlantic Ocean without stopping! He felt very happy.

Jerry Spinelli
by Jasmine

Once there was a little boy named Jerry Spinelli. Jerry lived in Norristown, Pennsylvania. He wanted to write books. Jerry's plan was to be creative. First, he would figure out how to write books. Then he would made sure the words made sense. Then he would think of names for his books. He wanted to make sure they weren't about violence. Finally, he made a lot of books for kids. He felt proud of himself and surprised he could do it!

Lucretia Mott
by Katelynn

Once upon a time there lived a girl named Lucretia Mott. She lived in Nantucket. Suddenly, she noticed white people had slaves and she felt angry and sad. She wanted equal rights for everyone. First, she started a group that worked for peace. Next she tried make people feel strong to stand up for themselves. Finally, she spoke for equal rights. She helped the world and that made her feel happy.

Jane Goodall
by Rebecca

Jane Goodall was born in England. She got to go to Africa once. She felt proud because she wanted to learn about animals there. She loved chimpanzees, and she wanted to take care of them. First, she traveled to Africa and saw many animals. Then she studied with a scientist named Dr. Leakey. Next, she lived with and studied chimpanzees on her own. She had to be quiet and still so the animals would trust her. Finally, she wrote books and speeches to teach people about chimpanzees. When people learned about chimps, she felt extraordinary.

James Cook
by Zachary

James Cook was from Yorkshire, England. He wanted to be a sailor. He loved the ocean. He learned from a sea captain and joined to British Royal Navy.  First he took a Pacific voyage. A year later he did another one. He found many new plants and animals. He traveled to Antarctica, Australia, New Zealand, and all the way around the world.

Ponce de Leon
by Vincent

Once there was a man named Ponce de Leon. He was always sailing on the sea. He even went to the New World. He was happy to discover new land. He discovered Florida and Puerto Rico. In Florida, he went to war with the Indians. He eventually got killed by an infected wound. It was sad.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Second Grade Dreams

To celebrate Martin Luther King Day, the second graders read about Dr. King and thought about what their dreams for our world are. Let's take a look!

I have a dream that one day the world would be a better place! Everyone would have peace and people would be treated fairly. People would not bully but they would protect each other. I have a dream that one day the world would be a better place, but we need to treat people fairly to make it happen.
by Tristan

I have a dream that one day the world will be a better place. People will be nice to each other. Girls and boys will be peaceful. The world will be peaceful. I have a dream that one day the world will be a better place, but we need to work together to make it happen.
by Arianna

I have a dream that one day the world will change. People will not bully. People will care for each other. People will also share. I have a dream that one day people will get equal food, money, and rights, but we need to believe to make it happen.
by Jasmine

I have a dream that one day people would be nice to one another. Men and women would earn the same amount of money for their work. Also people would not litter. Instead they would be nice to the world. Boys and girls and men and women could wear whatever they want. But we need to care to make it happen.
by Katelynn

I have a dream that one day the law will change to keep people safe and healthy. For example, people would not smoke. The people will not bully. They will be nicer than before. People will greet the other people when they go by. I have a dream that one day the world will have peace, but we need to share good thoughts to make it happen.
by Samantha

I have a dream that one day more people will care for others. More black and white people will be friends. The world will be more peaceful. People will keep the earth clean and healthy. I have a dream that one day the world will be a better place, but we need to care for our community to make it happen.
by Emily L.

I have a dream that one day the world would be peaceful. The laws would be good all over the world. People would be nice. I wish the world would be fair. I have a dream that one day the world would be peaceful, but we need to not fight to make it happen.
by Nick

I have a dream that one day the world would change. No one would be poor. No one would have to drink dirty water. No one would be bullied. I have a dream that one day the world would change, but we need to protect each other and share to make it happen.
by Greyson

I have a dream that one day everyone will be treated more nicely. No one would get bullied, but everyone would get peace instead. People should be more caring. I have a dream that one day everyone will be treated more nicely, but we need to treat others nicely to make it happen.
by Jaeden

I have a dream that one day all people would be treated fairly. It wouldn't matter what your skin color is or if you think different things than others. People could be friends with one another. I have a dream that one day all people would be treated fairly, but we need to work together to make those three things happen.
by Will